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 Useful  information and valuable advice about German Shepherd Dogs.

On this site you'll find information about the following:

*The history of the breed from it earliest beginnings

*Details about famous German Shepherds of the past.

*Leading German Shepherd show-winning bloodlines.

*Information and photographs of Siegers past & present.

*Details and about the top winning working Siegers.

*Photographs of top winning German Shepherds      

*Judging the German Shepherd in the Show ring      

*Interpretation of The German Shepherd breed standard 

*And much more about the German Shepherd Dog  

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You'll find  information about show-winning German Shepherd Dogs with complete
details of  their bloodlines ....details about famous German Shepherd Dogs dogs of the past....information about present and past German Siegers.....photographs of every Sieger from the first Sieger Show in 1899 until today ....details about top working dogs... the German Shepherd Dog Standard...Judging the German Shepherd Dog... and a great deal more about this exceptional breed.


house and dogs        Information about this Website
My name is Dennis Fisher and the information and advice provided on this website with articles I have written is offered as a FREE SERVICE.

It comes from a lifelong involvement with dogs at all levels - as a judge, obedience training director, show dog exhibitor, competitor in obedience competitions and breeder of show dogs, with more than 50  years experience.    I have been a member of the German S.V. since 1962 and attend the Sieger Shows regularly.

Because I have had so much pleasure and satisfaction from my long association with dogs, I am happy to share with others the knowledge and experience I have gained over the years.  I hope that you'll  find the extensive information I have compiled and set out on these page useful.

My dogs are all house dogs and pets - not kennel dogs - so, together with my wife, who shares my passion for dogs, we are able to enjoy the companionship they offer.

Here is a recent photograph of me with three of our  eight Shepherds playing happily in our garden, together with the odd-man
 out, our only Great Dane.   All our dogs  get on well  together.  They run freely and there is no fighting

waiting their turn
A few of the gang getting treats.
Not much chance of the Shepherds
getting there before the Great Dane.
 Patiently  waiting their turn! With "Immos vom Huhnegrab" bred by the well-known German Judge and top Shepherd breeder Heinz Scheerer


The following articles and detailed reports were written for the benefit of German Shepherd Dog owners interested in knowing more about the breed.   I hope  you'll find these articles informative and helpful.

Click the article or report  listed below you are interested in.

What do German Shepherd Dog judges look for?

Results of The 2010  German Shepherd Sieger Show  Nurnberg 3rd. - 5th September.

Detailed report  about the 2010 Sieger Show at Nurnberg  and reports about individual dogs.

I was unfortunately unable to attend the Sieger show in Nurnberg this year, but have included on this website a report by a knowledgeable and  experienced American colleague of mine, Fred Lanting.  You’ll find this report  very informative. His comments and views about bloodlines, especially with regard to Odin vom Holtkamper Hof, are very similar to mine.  

Dogs that performed best in the courage test at the 2009 German Sieger  Show

In this article you'll find photographs and pedigree details of the nineteen dogs that performed best in the "TEST OF COURAGE" at the 2009 Sieger Show.

The 2009 Bundessiegerprufung - Working Dog Competition winners

There were 120 dogs entered in the 2009 competition, judged by Gunther Diegel.  Here is a list of the top ten dogs together with  details of their pedigrees.

The 2009  Sieger Show in Ulm  29th - 31st August.

In this report of the 2009 German Sieger Show, judged by Reinhardt Meyer, you'll find a list of the top winning V.A dogs and the first ten V. dogs, together with details of their pedigrees.   You'll also find details of the pedigrees of the  dogs that failed the "TEST OF COURAGE".

How to choose the best German Shepherd Dog pup in the litter.

Choosing the best pup in the litter is always difficult.   Here are some tips that should make your task a little easier.

Complete list of German Siegers -with photographs - from 1899-2008

There have been remarkable changes in the appearance of the German Shepherd Dog over the years.  It's very interesting to compare photographs of all  "Siegers" over the years and see how dramatic these changes have been.

The 2008 German Sieger Show in Aachen, Germany  - winning dogs.

Here is a list of the V.A. winners at the 2008 German Sieger show, and the top ten V dogs, together with details of their pedigrees.

Dogs that performed best in test of courage at 2008 Sieger Show.

A list of  of the  fourteen dogs in the open  male class that performed best in the test of courage  at the 2008 Sieger Show with details of their pedigrees.

Detailed study of Bloodlines of Siegers & V.A. dogs 1999-2005

In this article you'll find a detailed study of the pedigrees of the Siegers and top V.A. dogs in Germany from 1999 to 2005.   

Important Pillars of the breed

Photographs and details of many of the dogs that exerted an important influence on the development of the German Shepherd Dog.  Here are names of a just  few of the many dogs discussed in this article:

Axel v.d. Deininghauserheide,  Alf v. Nordfelsen the 1955 Sieger,  Rolf v. Osnabrueckerland,
Canto v.d. Wienerau, Jalk v. Fohlenbrunnen, Bernd v. Lierberg, Mutz v.d. Peltzierfarm,                             Quanto v.d. Wienerau, Lasso di  Val Sole, Uran v. Wildsteigerland, Quando v. Arminius, Odin von Tannenmeise, Zamb v.d. Wienerau,  Jeck v. Noricum, Ursus von Batu, Yasko v. Farbenspiel and many others.

Famous German Shepherd Dogs of the past

1929 was the year the  title of "Sieger" was awarded to "Utz. von Haus Schuetting" - a dog completely different in type to previous winning dogs.  This  marked the beginning of  dramatic changes in the German Shepherd.

This article is a brief history of the breed from 1929 to the period just before the  beginning of the second world war in 1939 and the years immediately following the war.

Serious students of the breed will  find the details and photographs of important dogs like "Utz", that influenced the breed in these years, very interesting.    Here are names of some of the  dogs discussed in this article:

        1933 German Sieger "Odin vom Stolzenfels",  "Baldur vom Befreiungplatz"
           "Quell v.d. Fredeholz"    "Arry v.d. Gassenquelle"   "Grimm v.d. Fahrmuhle"
           "Ferdl v.d. Secretainterie"  English Champion "Cito v.d. Meerwacht"
           "Hein v. Richterbach"  "Caesar v.d. Malmannsheide" "Frack v.d. Burg Arkenstede"
           "Troll v. Richterbach"   "Ulk Wikingerblut"   "Greif v. Elfenhain"

Conflict between German breeders of working dogs and show dogs.

(A summary of the article appears below.  You can read the full article by clicking the line above)

A tremendous gap exists today between "show dog" breeders and "working dogs - known as sports dogs".    In recent years there are virtually no leading  breeders of  working dogs that make use of show lines.  Similarly there are only a  small handful of show dog breeders that make use of working lines. But it wasn't always like this.   It wasn't so long ago that many of the working dog Siegers were bred from show lines.

This article discusses the pedigrees of working dog Siegers of the present day and working dog Siegers of a few years back that were bred from "show lines".  Working dogs Siegers bred from "show lines are discussed in this article.  Although these were top working dogs they were also reasonably good show specimens.  This is not the case today.

Pictured below is the 1974 Working Sieger, "Enno v. Antrefftal".    It is clear from this photograph that this top quality working dog is also an animal that would not look out of place in the show ring.


                          V Enno vom Antrefftal                      VA Frei von der Gugge

  The 1974 Working Sieger "Enno v. Antrefftal, sired                                             Above is a photograph of the Sire of "Enno"
    by an important show dog "Frei v.d. Gugge"                                                          "FREI V.D. GUGGE",  V.A. 8  AT THE 1969
   V.A 8 in 1969.  "Frei" was  a dog with an excellent                                                Sieger Show.                                        
    temperament in addition to being a top quality show

    Most of the working dog winners of today have been  bred from exclusively working lines.  With one or two exceptions, most of
    these modern top  working dogs would be completely out of place in the show ring today.

The article examines the reasons for the sharp division that has arisen  between  "show breeders" and "working breeders" and suggests ways the problem can be solved.      

“Universal Siegers”. Are these winners of the title for the best dual purpose dogs good show specimens as well as good working dogs?

This articles assesses the show value of  the dogs that have won the title of  "Universal  Sieger" in recent years and provides details of their pedigrees.

How to bring show and working breederin Germany closer together

Positive suggestions how to bridge the tremendous gap that exists today between breeders and exhibitors of  "show" dogs and breeders of "sport-working dogs" and bring  the two different groups closer together.

2007 German Shepherd Dog Sieger Show winners
Details of the  pedigrees of the winners of  V.A. excellent grading at the 2007 Sieger Show and the top ten V dogs.

Detailed study of bloodlines of German “Siegerins” 1995

Very often the value of the bitch as  a producer of top quality show specimens is not sufficiently  recognized. Some of the Siegerins have proved to be excellent brood bitches as well as top quality show specimens, but not many.  This article analyses the value of the various Siegerins from 1955 to the present.

Positive suggestions how to improve the modern  German Shepherd Dog.

There have been a great many improvements in the structure of the German Shepherd Dog over the past few years, but there are still areas that are in need of attention.

Breeding top quality German Shepherds can be a very frustrating experience

This article discusses the various problems one encounters in trying to produce a top quality German Shepherd Dogs  that win consistently at shows.

How effective are German Shepherds as guard dogs?

This articles discusses the question of temperament with special reference to the natural guard and protective instincts that were once a feature of most German Shepherds.

Is it possible  to breed a dual-purpose German Shepherd Dog  that can win breed shows and also excel in working trials?

A discussion  of the difficulties one encounters in trying to breed a German Shepherd that can do well in working trials and also be a top quality show specimen.


About the writer:

Click above for personal details and photographs of some of the dogs I've  owned.

Pictured above

 is a photograph of  a recent import, "Yukatan v. Laerchenhain" imported from the famous German  "Laerchenhain" kennels of Helmut Buss and litter brother of his top winning dog "Ypsilon"

 This photograph was taken at a recent Show where "Yukatan" was exceptionally well handled, as always,  by my very competent, athletic, young handler David Range.



Copyright.  This website and all the information  is copyright.  All rights reserved.   It is illegal to reproduce any portion or any of the information by any means unless permission is first obtained from Dennis Fisher who can be contacted at the following e-mail address: